About DDD

So,  what is this all about?  I have been disabled since 2011.  I have been divorced since 2017.  As a single father on disability, I have spent much time trying to figure out what is wrong with me.   Why am I single?  What is it about me that makes it so difficult to maintain a healthy relationship? What is wrong with my expectations in marriage?  

Why am I asking myself these questions?  Well, I have successfully married three times. I have also successfully divorced three times.  But I have continually failed at marriage.  You have to understand the distinction to understand what I am looking for concerning this blog. 

Getting married is easy. Getting divorced is easy. Getting married is cheap. Getting divorced is not. The time between these two events, marriage and divorce is a profound journey. What is the journey about?

Simply stated, the journey is specifically about success or failure. What determines the difference? Effort. Are you willing to put in the effort to succeed? And just as important, is your spouse?  The old saying, "it takes two to tango", can be applied to a plethora of situations. To me marriage is the most profoundof these situations. 

So, now the other side of the coin. The other purpose of this blog is a small attempt at further supporting myself. As I stated, I am disabled. I am hoping to supplement my income somewhat. So I will be adding affiliate marketing links to relevant products as I go. My hope is to find a group of followers who will share my thoughts and stories over their morning coffee or midmorning break. 

Below you will find my first attempt. A book I came across that I believe should be required reading before marriage is The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I wish I had not only found this book before my first marriage, but had been open minded enough to really apply it to our dating relationship. I would encourage anyone contemplating any relationship journey to read this book. And if your significant other is unwilling to take the time to read it with you... perhaps it is time to really evaluate if there are more red flags you are ignoring because of who they are being for you in order to grow you relationship based on who they think you want, instead of who they are. 

The 5 Love Languages

I am sure as with every aspect of life that this endeavor with grow and develop as time permits.  I expect it to be an ever evolving animal that will help me bring peace to my journey.  Writing about and sharing my experiences is supposed to be cathartic, and character developing.  We will see.  My next posts may seem conflicting with my goal.  But I think a bit of history may bring relevance to my story. Thank you for your time and attention.  Until next post...



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